Photo gallery

АО "Галичфарм" монтаж
Galichpharm, assembling of utilities
and piping of tanks for syrup
АО "Галичфарм" монтаж
Galichpharm, assembling of utilities
and piping of tanks for syrup

АО "Галичфарм" монтаж
Galichpharm, assembling of utilities
and piping of tanks for syrup
АО "Галичфарм" монтаж
Galichpharm, assembling of utilities
and piping of tanks for syrup

АО "Галичфарм" монтаж
Galichpharm, assembling of utilities
and piping of tanks for syrup

Smoke pipes disassembling
and assembling

Recirculated water engines
Gas pipeline with diameter of 108 with insulation
of mineral cotton mats in  galvanized sheathing

могтаж, ремонт котельного оборудования
Primary circuit pumps
(hot water supply to a heat exchanger)

Reservoir unit piping

Монтаж технологического оборудования
Service platform for the liquid separator
монтаж металлоконструкций
Service platform for evaporating
condensers and thermo-syphons

Receiving station, reservoir unit,
regasification station and their piping

Receiving station

Монтаж технологического оборудования
Regasification station

Section of LHCG pipeline with diameter
of 108 and shut-down valve mounted on it

Screw compressor package
монтаж площадок
Internal pipes for LHCG supply to gas boilers

монтаж металлоконструкций
Switch column and ammonia filling unit
Монтаж и ремонт паровых и водогрейных котлов
Binding of a vessel with thermo-syphon

Oil separators


Trestles for equipment

Trestles for equipment

Reconstruction of heating networks

Reconstruction of heating networks

Trestle s/s

Distribution and process status panel
and product pipelines

Distribution panel

Suspended trestle s/s and piplines

Piping of heat exchanger’s equipment

Processing line assembling

Non-standard equipment for cisterns
for chocolate mass mixing

Non-standard equipment - tempering
container for chocolate mass melting

Processing line assembling

Assembling of tanks, servicing trestles s/s,
manifolds (valve), pipelining

Assembling of equipment and
liquefied gas pipelines

Assembling of equipment and
liquefied gas pipelines

Processing line assembling and piping

Production of trestles and installation
of equipment on them

Heat exchanger assembling and piping
with insulation at the juice line

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